Over the last ´years I wrote around a bunch of articles on Medium and Linkedin. To keep things together, I am replicating them here. Note that the layout and styling isn't always too great, because I copied them back into HTML from Medium's/Linkedin's publishing system.
2023-07-19 - Yet another Attempt at Explaining Domain-Specific Languages
2023-06-28 - How Discrete Event Simulations Work
2023-05-30 - How to Explain Complex Technical Topics to Management
2023-05-01 - On AI, Consciousness and Intent
2023-02-26 - On the Drawbacks of Standard Templates, Process and Ceremony
2023-02-19 - CRC Cards Reloaded
2023-01-26 - Language Evolution and Model Migration
2023-01-22 - Are DSLs the Catalyst for Making AI-based Programming Practical?
2022-12-13 - Will AI Replace Models And DSLs
2022-06-24 - The Minimum Infrastructure For Running Languages And Models
2022-06-18 - When Is Something a DSL
2022-04-22 - Why Documents Shouldn't Be The Basis Of A Domain Analysis
2022-03-03 - Introducing A Tool Successfully
2021-11-16 - Why It Is So Hard To Change Established Processes In Organizations
2021-10-27 - The Split Brain Of DSLs
2021-09-21 - The Language Testing Triangle
2021-09-10 - Tool Lock-In vs. Semantic Lock-In
2021-08-29 - Why Does Everybody Hate Programming (And Why This Must Change)
2021-06-28 - MPS DSL Book Is Out
2020-10-19 - How To Run A Technical Workshop
2020-08-11 - Perspectives On DSLs: Software Architecture
2020-06-29 - Notes On Technical Writing
2020-06-25 - Perspectives On DSLs: Software Quality
2020-06-15 - Why I Emphasize DSLs For Domain Experts
2020-06-11 - Perspectives on DSLs: Production Knowledge
2020-06-07 - My F-16 Flight: One Year Later
2020-06-05 - Thinking vs. Coding
2020-06-03 - Perspectives On DSLs: Knowledge Management
2020-06-01 - Should You Develop a DSL
2020-04-20 - The Analyst's Lament
2019-11-04 - Funclarative Programming
2019-04-18 - DSLs vs Learning Languages
2019-02-12 - The Hidden Layer Between Fachlichkeit And The Ilities
2018-11-09 - ISoLa 2018: Thoughts On Formal Verification And DSLs
2018-11-04 - ISoLa 2018: Thoughts On X-By-Construction
2018-11-04 - Fusing Modeling And Programming Into Language Oriented Programming
2018-09-10 - The Evolution Of Decision Tables
2018-07-11 - The Hidden Complexities In Fachlichkeit
2018-07-01 - Design, Evolution, and Use Of KernelF
2018-04-28 - The Business DSL DevOps Process
2018-04-03 - Categorising The Complexities In Programming
2018-03-16 - Teaching The Basics Of Programming To Domain Experts
2018-02-16 - The Philosophy Behind Language Engineering With MPS
2018-01-30 - An Argument For The Isolation Of Fachlichkeit
2018-01-14 - Testing Languages Generators And Runtimes In A Safety Critical System
2017-12-13 - A Smart Contract Development Stack Part II: Game Theoretical Aspects
2017-12-06 - A Smart Contract Development Stack
2017-11-09 - Safety and Security From a Language Engineering Perspective
2017-11-03 - Dealing With Mutable State In KernelF
2017-10-26 - Some Concepts In Functional Languages
2017-10-16 - Thoughts On Declarativeness
2017-10-08 - A Quick Heads On The Atlantic Article
2017-10-05 - Unpacking Options Values: A Case Study In Language Design
2017-09-28 - What Goes Into Language Design Beyond The Domain
2017-09-21 - High Level Structure Of DSLs: Three Patterns
2017-09-15 - What Makes A Good Business DSL
2017-09-11 - Why An Agile Process Is Not Enough